Everyone who has problems with excess weight thinks about how to lose weight quickly. As a rule, all stop at a certain diet. However, according to recent research scientists, lose weight through diet possible only for a short time, after which the weight returned.
In addition, there are very strict diets, which can lead to tragic consequences: beriberi, depletion of the body, depression, aggression, problems with the stomach, etc. That is why in recent times has become actual, how to lose weight fast without dieting.
So how can you lose weight without dieting? Below we consider the main recommendations.
1. What is your level of motivation?
If a man really wants to lose weight, he could easily answer the questions: Why do I lose weight? Why I want to throw so much kg? Try to find the motive and answers to these questions. At first glance, it seems simple, but in fact in some cases even requires a psychologist to get to the truth itself.
2. Reduce daily calorie intake.
How to reduce daily calorie intake? It is better to do it gradually – optimally 50 calories per day. The most effective nutrition regime is not less than 1500-1800 calories per day. Listen to your body and be guided by your feelings. If you have the feeling of hunger, headache, lethargy, most likely, your menu is very “poor”, or you too have drastically reduced daily ration. If you feel normal and performance did not fall, you’re on the right way.
3. Eat nine servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day. They are rich in vitamins A, C and E, minerals, carbohydrates and fiber. These wonderful gifts of nature is very good for your health, quickly satisfy hunger and they are low in calories. Eat fruit for breakfast, lunch, dinner and between meals.
Grapefruit and pineapple are irreplaceable fruits for losing weight. More than once was proved that the juice and pulp of grapefruit is an excellent fat burners and allow you to lose weight without changing your taste preferences. A pineapple good for the digestive system and helps the digestion of heavy meals.
4. Do not forget about physical exercises. To date, exercise is really the most effective method of losing weight. Intensive physical activity may help you not only lose weight but also improve your health.
It may be running or fast walking. In addition, a good effect gives dance, step aerobics and shaping. During these exercises, the load on the heart increases. Cardio causes the body to use lipids (fats) as “fuel”.
5. The important role in weight loss played water. It gives us strength, cleanses the body, and speeds up metabolism. During the day, you should drink at least 3 liters of water. To lose weight you need to drink water with ice. Scientists calculated if you drink 3 liters of water with ice daily, within a month you will burn 2000 calories.
6. Control the amount of consumed fats, their content should not exceed 20-30 grams per day. To expedite the process of losing excess weight, eat more often but in small portions.
7. Never skip breakfast and lunch. If during the day you eat normally, then the evening would not be feeling hungry. Should limit alcohol consumption, it stimulates the appetite. Dinner should be low in calories.
8. Change your eating habits. For example, instead of two teaspoons of sugar in tea, throw one spoon, or drink at all without it. You will not feel much difference, but these changes will help you get rid of a few extra pounds.
9. Drink green tea. This tea accelerates the burning of calories. Drink about 5 cups of green tea daily without sugar. Tea should be of high quality.
10. The color of plate.
What plate do you have? Bright colors such as red, orange and yellow stimulate the production of gastric juice.
So now you know how to lose weight without dieting.
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